Sociocritical framework for a reorientation of the didactics of chemistry
marco sociocrítico química cotidiana, papel del docente, mediación y aprendizaje en contexto, competencias en química, objetivos de la química cotidianaAbstract
This article aims to structure a sociocritical framework of the didactic of chemistry oriented to everyday life, which is not new, but innovative. The importance of matching chemical contents with their social implications is highlighted, showing how they are involved in multiple fields, and facilitating their learning from the experience of everyday life situations. For this purpose, information present on the Internet pages on "Didactics of chemistry and daily life" was reviewed. The result of the analysis allows us to identify the following assumptions that typify the current socio-critical framework of the teaching of everyday chemistry: to support the development of the student's cognitive structure based on the conceptual language of chemistry, to show the direct relationship between chemical science and the daily chemistry, to fulfill the objectives for the scientific education, to promote capacities and competitions so much disciplinary as citizens, and the contextualized learning to our reality and its sociocritical character. In conclusion, the teaching of chemistry under this didactic approach would allow us to appreciate how chemistry solves problems and helps to improve living conditions.
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