Method of teaching based on investigative tasks (MEBSTI): its effectiveness for the achievement of mathematical competencies in the real number system.
Método de enseñanza, tareas investigativas, competencias matemáticas, sistema de números realesAbstract
The present research was developed with the participation of first year students of the administration course at the Universidad Peruana Unión, the purpose was to determine the effectiveness of the MEBSTI in the achievement of mathematical competencies. The population was constituted by the students enrolled in the 2017 - II academic cycle in the Mathematics course, which were 43; 21 of the experimental group and 22 of the control group. Of these, some names were purged due to non-attendance and for being irregular students, leaving 18 students in the experimental group and 19 in the control group. The research is quantitative applied, with a quasi-experimental design, since intact groups were taken. The experimental group developed the real number system unit by applying the MEBSTI while the control group developed it under the traditional method. The results were obtained by means of the Student t-test using the SPSS (22.0) statistical package. This indicates that there is a significant difference between the two groups studied, and this difference is probably due to the application of MEBSTI to improve the development of mathematical competencies.
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