Implementation of an academic executive information system based on business intelligence: the case of Universidad Peruana Unión.


  • Cynthia Carol Acuña Salinas Universidad Peruana Unión



EIS, BI, Data warehouse, Data mart, toma de decisiones, esquema estrella, MicroStrategy, ETL, MOLAP


Currently, in the business environment, applications capable of analyzing, exploring and providing efficient information for decision making, greater visibility of management and support strategies are required. The present research work aims to implement the executive information system, as an indispensable tool for administrative staff users in the decision-making of academic aspects, from the timely information provided by the EIS, based on business intelligence and subject to Kimball's methodology. Among the most notable results we can highlight: 1) the highest percentage of disapproval of information quality, the first time, occurs in the availability dimension with 100%, then follows the integrity dimension with 62.5% and, the lowest disapproval occurs in the confidentiality dimension with 33.3%, 2) the highest percentage of approval of information quality, the second time, occurs in the dimensions of effectiveness and availability, both with 100%, then follows the dimension of integrity with 95.9% and finally that of closure, confidentiality and reliability with 87.5%, 3) the six alternative hypotheses in this order of effectiveness, confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability and quality of information were confirmed with Student's T-value 17. 556, 11.631, 12. 306, 21.703, 12.929, 29.690 respectively; all with 23 degrees of freedom and a significance of p = 0.000 < 0.05, for all six hypotheses is rejected.

Author Biography

Cynthia Carol Acuña Salinas, Universidad Peruana Unión


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How to Cite

Acuña Salinas, C. C. (2019). Implementation of an academic executive information system based on business intelligence: the case of Universidad Peruana Unión. Paidagogo, 1(2), 24–48.


